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S.O. What! Scholarships

The S.O. What! Foundation will offer scholarships to S.T.E.P.-O.U.T. Program participants as well as other youth determined to succeed in spite of their trauma and challenges. Funds will help fund an endowed S.O. What! Success scholarship at the University of Memphis, the founder’s alma mater, as well as scholarships for community colleges, trade schools, and other educational support.

The S.O. What! Foundation Scholarships

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Agnes Owens & Ocie Williams

Memorial Scholarship


Awarded to female students with a demonstrated resilience story pursuing a post-secondary education opportunity. This scholarship was created to honor the special relationship between the S.O. What! Foundation’s founder, Summer Owens, and her grandmothers who died days apart.

The S.O. What! Foundation S.O. What! Success Scholarships


Awarded to graduating students pursuing post-secondary educational opportunities who complete the S.O. What! Foundation’s S.T.E.P.-O.U.T.

(Self-esteem, Teamwork, Exposure, Personal development – Overcome, Understand, Triumph) program.

Bertha Rogers Looney & Summer Owens

S.O. What! Success Endowed Scholarship


Awarded to students with identified challenges pursuing a degree at the University of Memphis. This scholarship was created to honor the special relationship between Bertha Rogers Looney of the legendary Memphis State Eight and the S.O. What! Foundation’s founder, Summer Owens, and highlights their different yet connected resilience journeys at the University of Memphis.

Curtis Owens Memorial Scholarship


Awarded to students pursuing certification in trades or vocational education. This scholarship was created in honor of the founder’s cousin, Curtis Owens, who was on a path to pursuing a career as an aircraft mechanic when he

tragically lost his life in a car accident at the age of 19.

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